The Designated Safeguarding Lead is Clare Hamilton.
The Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead is Lindsey Moore
They are assisted by Jo Straw.
The Governor with Safeguarding responsibility for over seeing the work of the Safeguarding Team is Carol Gotheridge.
If you have any worries or concerns regarding the welfare of a child out of school hours please contact:
An ‘out of office’ message is operational during other times and in school holidays to advise partner agencies if and how often messages will be checked/responded to and when the school/college will reopen.
We are always available, on the door, at the beginning and end of each session, or you can make an appointment to see us by calling 01332 349 363
Information to support parents/carers and young people.
Information to follow
Family Support
We have our own Family Support Worker based at Nursery. Our Family Support Worker advises on the following:
- Parenting support
- Applications for housing, schooling and grants
- Attendance
- Debt management
SDAT is a system to notify us quickly of any incidents of domestic abuse where the police have attended a household where children live.
This enables us to understand changes in a child’s behaviour, attitude or general presentation, and to support children as needed.
For further information please see the NSPCC website: